2020 – Always By The Customers’ Side

When the challenge gets tough, the true value of companies emerges!
In this very difficult period that is affecting the entire planet, Europrogetti has intensified its current propensity for Customer Care and has made it an added value.
The company promotes innovation and constantly guarantees pre- and post-sales service, assistance and deliveries.
If the discontinuity due to the pandemic is a threat on the one hand, it can represent an opportunity on the other one. The solution is certainly not an entrenchment in defensive positions, but the challenge that lies ahead in the future requires innovation on several fronts. Here Europrogetti, thanks to its 30 years of continuous innovation not only in design but also in offering the services necessary for its customers, can always guarantee precision, punctuality and performance.
For Europrogetti, the revolution of this new period is also based on innovation that is integrated into several areas and with clear imperatives:
- To create value for the customer: innovation on products and safety in their use.
- To promote the Digital Customer Engagement: a more digital world while maintaining the human aspect at the same time.
- To invest in transformative and competitive technology: transforming environments and ecosystems.
- To reshape the operational areas and internal processes to foster resilience.
- To introduce new collaborative methods to foster growth.
A great change is taking place and Europrogetti has had no difficulty in undertaking it, thanks to its visionary and innovative nature.
Our customers are aware that they can count on a solid and reliable organization, which can make a difference in this difficult time.
All those companies that accept this challenge can find a security for their needs in Europrogetti.
Tell us about your projects, we are with you!